
Rate (**) - 1,0562
Bids count: 241 amounting to 72939,2 WMZ;
317 amounting to  104849,63 WME
monthly   weekly   daily   hourly   hide
22,41 20,00 18h,   +6,09%  1,1205
3,17 2,83 22h,   +6,05%  1,1201
22,40 20,00 26h,   +6,04%  1,1200
22,40 20,00 26h,   +6,04%  1,1200
22,20 20,00 25h,   +5,09%  1,1100
22,20 20,00 25h,   +5,09%  1,1100
22,43 20,33 12h,   +4,46%  1,1033
22,44 20,34 12h,   +4,45%  1,1032
700,00 634,64 8h,   +4,43%  1,1030
100,00 90,68 12h,   +4,41%  1,1028
500,00 453,48 14h,   +4,39%  1,1026
100,00 90,85 28h,   +4,21%  1,1007
3 068,45 2 789,23 30h,   +4,16%  1,1001
10 939,12 9 944,65 67h,   +4,15%  1,1000
22,00 20,00 114h,   +4,15%  1,1000
10 000,00 9 090,90 25h,   +4,15%  1,1000
2 861,00 2 609,69 360h,   +3,80%  1,0963
3 000,00 2 736,97 767h,   +3,78%  1,0961
1 095,30 1 000,00 1574h,   +3,70%  1,0953
22,38 20,52 18h,   +3,26%  1,0906
137,25 125,88 18h,   +3,23%  1,0903
22,37 20,52 158h,   +3,22%  1,0902
2 100,00 1 926,61 923h,   +3,20%  1,0900
2,51 2,34 2130h,   +1,55%  1,0726
22,52 21,04 23h,   +1,33%  1,0703
10,70 10,00 2330h,   +1,31%  1,0700
4,80 4,51 2684h,   +0,77%  1,0643
411,00 386,95 23h,   +0,57%  1,0622
500,00 470,81 2254h,   +0,55%  1,0620
13,80 13,01 2706h,   +0,43%  1,0607
10,60 10,00 2330h,   +0,36%  1,0600
11,60 10,95 1220h,   +0,30%  1,0594
0,18 0,17 1155h,   +0,25%  1,0588
9 815,00 9 293,63 11h,   0,00%  1,0562
166,14 157,45 1285h,   -0,09%  1,0552
105,50 100,00 3421h,   -0,11%  1,0550
95,64 90,78 11865h,   -0,26%  1,0535
1,00 0,95 16165h,   -0,34%  1,0526
0,20 0,19 16165h,   -0,34%  1,0526
355,00 337,75 109h,   -0,48%  1,0511
13,30 12,66 2706h,   -0,53%  1,0506
1 575,45 1 500,00 1574h,   -0,56%  1,0503
10,50 10,00 5132h,   -0,59%  1,0500
0,21 0,20 3899h,   -0,59%  1,0500
1 555,83 1 481,75 214h,   -0,59%  1,0500
6 396,89 6 092,88 14h,   -0,60%  1,0499
10,00 9,53 22305h,   -0,65%  1,0493
129,13 123,08 21117h,   -0,66%  1,0492
1 045,00 1 000,00 5362h,   -1,06%  1,0450
1,87 1,79 22173h,   -1,09%  1,0447
1,1324  +7,21%,   12h 19,25 17,00
1,1325  +7,22%,   12h 54,11 47,78
1,1330  +7,27%,   13h 22,66 20,00
1,1332  +7,29%,   13h 14,89 13,14
1,1368  +7,63%,   3h 101,06 88,90
1,1375  +7,70%,   9h 22,75 20,00
1,1378  +7,73%,   10h 284,45 250,00
1,1379  +7,74%,   17h 98,12 86,23
1,1398  +7,92%,   17h 113,98 100,00
1,1400  +7,93%,   14h 557,12 488,70
1,1400  +7,93%,   26h 22,80 20,00
1,1400  +7,93%,   26h 22,80 20,00
1,1402  +7,95%,   20h 2 651,28 2 325,27
1,1448  +8,39%,   3m 44,42 38,80
1,1448  +8,39%,   4m 42,69 37,29
1,1449  +8,40%,   16m 43,13 37,67
1,1451  +8,42%,   17m 44,03 38,45
1,1455  +8,45%,   12m 130,63 114,04
1,1490  +8,79%,   16h 22,98 20,00
1,1495  +8,83%,   21h 173,07 150,56
1,1500  +8,88%,   25h 6 294,54 5 473,51
1,1553  +9,38%,   15h 149,08 129,04
1,1554  +9,39%,   26h 11,15 9,65
1,1580  +9,64%,   50h 11,58 10,00
1,1584  +9,68%,   58h 1,17 1,01
1,1586  +9,70%,   58h 16,00 13,81
1,1595  +9,78%,   13h 23,19 20,00
1,1598  +9,81%,   66h 163,65 141,10
1,1599  +9,82%,   2h 347,98 300,00
1,1600  +9,83%,   30h 222,42 191,74
1,1603  +9,86%,   212h 20,19 17,40
1,1605  +9,88%,   212h 20,82 17,94
1,1617  +9,99%,   227h 232,34 200,00
1,1618  +10,00%,   6h 6 915,82 5 952,67
1,1630  +10,11%,   93h 116,30 100,00
1,1709  +10,86%,   1103h 4,59 3,92
1,1718  +10,94%,   227h 234,36 200,00
1,1779  +11,52%,   1684h 12,25 10,40
1,1915  +12,81%,   3h 115,81 97,20
1,1995  +13,57%,   23h 23,99 20,00
1,2000  +13,61%,   4983h 0,12 0,10
1,2000  +13,61%,   6543h 24,00 20,00
1,2000  +13,61%,   6885h 1 069,23 891,02
1,2000  +13,61%,   4519h 1,32 1,10
1,2173  +15,25%,   12h 226,42 186,00
1,2192  +15,43%,   644h 695,77 570,67
1,2192  +15,43%,   644h 2 379,43 1 951,63
1,2193  +15,44%,   645h 609,65 500,00
1,2284  +16,30%,   4051h 122,84 100,00
1,2382  +17,23%,   929h 866,74 700,00

Place a new bid to exchange WM -> WM

(*) Tooltip's fields shows lump sum for all available bids, from top to bottom. This amounts shows how much in total you can actually receive or sell (guaranteed, as per current bid exchange rate), if you buy all bids, including the current one.
